Advance Examples

Advanced uses of the AI Oracle

A user can perform nested inference by initiating a second inference based on the result of the first inference within a smart contract. This action can be completed atomically and is not restricted to a two-step function.

Nested Inference Use Cases

Some of the use cases for a nested inference call include:

  • generating a prompt with LLM for AIGC (AI Generated Content) NFT

  • extracting data from a data set, then generate visual data with different models

  • adding transcript to a video, then translate it to different languages with different models

For demo purposes we built a farcaster frame that uses ORA's AI Oracle.

1. Nested Inference

In this example, we'll modify Prompt contract to support nested inference request. NestedCallback contract should execute multiple inference requests in 1 transaction. In our example, it will call Llama3 model first, then use inference result as the prompt to another request to StableDiffusion model.

The main goal of this tutorial is to understand what changes we need to make to Prompt contract in order to implement logic for various use cases.

Implementation Steps

  1. modify CalculateAIResult method to support multiple requests

  2. modify aiOracleCallback with the logic to handle second inference request

💡 When estimating gas cost for the callback, we should take both models into the consideration.


As we now have additional function parameter for second model id. Not that we encode and forward model2Id as a callback data in aiOracle.requestCallback call.

 function calculateAIResult(uint256 model1Id, uint256 model2Id, string calldata model1Prompt) payable external returns (uint256) {
    bytes memory input = bytes(model1Prompt);
    uint256 model1Fee = estimateFee(model1Id);
    uint256 requestId = aiOracle.requestCallback{value: model1Fee}(
        model1Id, input, address(this), callbackGasLimit[model1Id], abi.encode(model2Id)
    AIOracleRequest storage request = requests[requestId];
    request.input = input;
    request.sender = msg.sender;
    request.modelId = model1Id;
    emit promptRequest(requestId, msg.sender, model1Id, model1Prompt);
    return requestId;


The main change here is the within "if" block. If the callback data (model2Id) is returned, we want to execute second inference request to the AI Oracle.

Output from the first inference call, will be passed to second one. This allows for interesting use cases, where you can combine text-to-text (eg. Llama3) and text-to-image (eg. Stable-Diffusion) models.

If nested inference call is not successful the whole function will revert.

💡 When interacting with the contract from the client side, we need to pass cumulative fee (for both models), then for each inference call we need to pass part of that cumulative fee. This is why we are calling estimateFee for model2Id.

function aiOracleCallback(uint256 requestId, bytes calldata output, bytes calldata callbackData) external payable override onlyAIOracleCallback() {
    AIOracleRequest storage request = requests[requestId];
    require(request.sender != address(0), "request does not exist");
    request.output = output;
    prompts[request.modelId][string(request.input)] = string(output);

    //if callbackData is not empty decode it and call another inference
    if(callbackData.length != 0){
        (uint256 model2Id) = abi.decode(callbackData, (uint256));
        uint256 model2Fee = estimateFee(model2Id);

        (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(aiOracle).call{value: model2Fee}(abi.encodeWithSignature("requestCallback(uint256,bytes,address,uint64,bytes)", model2Id, output, address(this), callbackGasLimit[model2Id], ""));
        require(success, "failed to call nested inference");

        (uint256 rid) = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
        AIOracleRequest storage recursiveRequest = requests[rid];
        recursiveRequest.input = output;
        recursiveRequest.sender = msg.sender;
        recursiveRequest.modelId = model2Id;
        emit promptRequest(rid, msg.sender, model2Id, "");

    emit promptsUpdated(requestId, request.modelId, string(request.input), string(output), callbackData);

Interaction with Contract

This is an example of contract interaction from Foundry testing environment. Note that we're estimating fee for both models and passing cumulative amount during the function call (we're passing slightly more to ensure that the call will execute if the gas price changes).

PromptNestedInference prompt = new PromptNestedInference(IAIOracle(OAO_PROXY));

uint256 stableDiffusionFee = prompt.estimateFee(STABLE_DIFFUSION_ID);
uint256 llamaFee = prompt.estimateFee(LLAMA_ID);

uint256 requestId = prompt.calculateAIResult{value: ((stableDiffusionFee + llamaFee)*11/10)}(STABLE_DIFFUSION_ID, LLAMA_ID, SD_PROMPT);

You can also check the full implementation of PromptNestedInference.

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