ai/fi = AI + DeFi
ai/fi is the fusion of AI (verifiable AI inference provided by Onchain AI Oracle) and DeFi.
The strategy to transform DeFi into ai/fi is simple: "identify the computationally intensive part of any DeFi protocol and replace it with AI."
If you want to build with onchain AI.
ORA offers:
zkML of keras2circom (the most battle-tested and performant zkML framework)
zk+opML with opp/ai (futuristic onchain AI fuses zkML's privacy and opML's scalability)
Onchain AI Oracle (OAO) is the ORA's verifiable and decentralized AI oracle.
OAO integrates different AI models onchain in ORA AI Oracle nodes.
Smart contract developers can build their own contract based on different models in AI Oracle, to interact with OAO contract, so that they can use AI onchain.
Some of the example use cases are: AIGC NFT with ERC-7007, zkKYC using facial recognition based on ML, onchain AI games (e.g. Dungeon and Dragons), prediction market with ML, content authenticity (deepfake verifier), compliant programmable privacy, prompt marketplace, reputation/credit scoring... For example integrations and ideas to build, see awesome-ora.