
Supported AI Models and Deployment Addresses of ORA's AI Oracle.


OpenLM Score 7B, aka. (A.I.)location Oracle

Stable Diffusion v3

Deployed Addresses

Prompt and SimplePrompt are both example smart contracts interacted with OAO.

For simpler application scenarios (eg. Prompt Engineering based AI like GPTs), you can directly use Prompt or SimplePrompt.

SimplePrompt saves gas by only emitting the event without storing historical data.

Ethereum Mainnet

Ethereum Sepolia

Deprecated contracts: AIOracle, Prompt.

Optimism Mainnet

Optimism Sepolia

Arbitrum Mainnet

Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet

Manta Mainnet

Manta Sepolia Testnet

Linea Mainnet

Base Mainnet

Polygon PoS Mainnet

Mantle Mainnet

Last updated